I am getting lot of reviews good feedback for recently published blog where we have covered on Learn/How To create a Project from Template in MS Project 2013.
Now the purpose of this blog/article or tutorial is to create our own Project as a template.
This template can be used later as reference for upcoming new project and we don't need to start from scratch.
Now the purpose of this blog/article or tutorial is to create our own Project as a template.
This template can be used later as reference for upcoming new project and we don't need to start from scratch.
So let us start
1. First we need to open the existing project, and then immediately
choose File→Save As so that we can save this as a template.
2. Now we need to choose a location for the new template in our laptop or desktop. (For
example, choose Computer etc as a location, and further, we can select the folder
where we want to store the Template.) If we plan to use the file as a new project
and a template for future projects, then choose our personal templates folder.
In the Save As dialog box’s “File name” box, type a new name.
3 In the “Save as type”
drop-down list, choose Project Template (“Project Template (*.mpt)” if we have
Windows Explorer set to show file extensions etc as basics), and then click Save button as per above screenshot.
4. In the Save As Template dialog box that opens further,
select to choose checkboxes for the data we want to remove from the project.
We can remove
baseline values,
actual values,
resource rates, and
fixed costs
Use experience to remove above and as per our Template requirement so that later it will suit all the projects.Click Save and done.
5. Yes, now we are ready to use our own designed custom template in MS Project 2013. Just goto Start and click Ms Project 2013 and choose New.
6. We can observe under PERSONAL option instead of FEATURED where we can see standard templates to create a new Project out of our custom Project in MS Project 2013.
Thus, we have now seen how easy it is to setup a complete
project in 6 steps without writing anything from scratch.
In case, you are interested to learn some more basic features and how to
- Create Project/ Assign Resource/ Task / Summary Tasks etc
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