Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Consumer Research - A Brief

What is Consumer Research ?
Consumer Research is the systematic collection & analysis of information gathered by primary or seconday means of data collection process leading to a fruitful & meaningful decision making process in marketing

How it can be useful ?
It is very useful for
  • Routine problem
  • Non Routine problem
What are the various approaches for consumer research?
The some main and important approaches are
1 Observation Survey
This is more like collecting available and past or current data which is recorded by observations.
2 Survey Research
This method is more elaborate questions are asked and responses are recorded.It is more versatile approach and economical and efficient too.
3 In Depth Interview
This method is more details in nature by asking in depth questions with the respondents.

Hope this gave you a bit of idea about the various methods and why consumer research is important in marketing field.

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