Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Six Sigma introduction

The Six Sigma is a key component to earn Customer Satisfaction and making quality a culture in the company's culture.

It is a methodology which is used to manage all the process variations which are causing defects and and help to remove the same completely or to a minimum.

The very objective of Six Sigma is to deliver performance,reliability and value to the end customer.

Some of the Key concepts of six sigma are
  1. Customer voice or needs of customer
  2. Quality Needs of customer i.e more important or customer stated needs
  3. Defects -Elimination of all the defects
  4. Variation
  5. variance

With the help of above key concepts we look to reduce defects below3.4 Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) further towards customer satisfaction.

We will explore more later.

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