Thursday, January 28, 2010

Maintenance Management

Maintenance is it required ?

Yes it is required for all types of companies whether it is producing GOODS & SERVICES.In other words,it covers industries producing goods like Steel,food products,etc or
service industries like hospital curing the Patients or banking sector etc.

Not only this there is actually 2 types of Maintenance which can be done or managed.It is
  1. Planned Maintenance
  2. Unplanned Maintenance
Planned Maintenance is where we can plan regular maintenance or repairs etc.
Unplanned Maintenance is actually for those type of failure for e.g we have earthquake so our entire plant is collapsed we cannot plan or it is contigent to a situation.

Planned Maintenance is divided again further into 2 broad categories:
Preventive Maintenance - Basically preventing the accidental failure of machine or checking that regular service should be available to customer in service sector.

Corrective Maintenance - It is more like small regular corrections or removing small problem which might be seen during natural working hours of daily lifecycle etc.

Thus it can be observed,it is very important for us to go for it, Not only in companies but in our daily for e.g  we brush our teeth daily, it is Preventive daily so that we should not have any Dental Problems

Similarly if someone had a bad teeth problem etc regularly occurring, immediately goes to Doctor or for checkup to get it corrected or remove pain.This is example of Corrective Maintenance.

In other words maintenance is major part of our life whether single or individual level or it is upto the company level and that is why we need to manage it.

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