Thursday, January 28, 2010

Maintenance Management

Maintenance is it required ?

Yes it is required for all types of companies whether it is producing GOODS & SERVICES.In other words,it covers industries producing goods like Steel,food products,etc or
service industries like hospital curing the Patients or banking sector etc.

Not only this there is actually 2 types of Maintenance which can be done or managed.It is
  1. Planned Maintenance
  2. Unplanned Maintenance
Planned Maintenance is where we can plan regular maintenance or repairs etc.
Unplanned Maintenance is actually for those type of failure for e.g we have earthquake so our entire plant is collapsed we cannot plan or it is contigent to a situation.

Planned Maintenance is divided again further into 2 broad categories:
Preventive Maintenance - Basically preventing the accidental failure of machine or checking that regular service should be available to customer in service sector.

Corrective Maintenance - It is more like small regular corrections or removing small problem which might be seen during natural working hours of daily lifecycle etc.

Thus it can be observed,it is very important for us to go for it, Not only in companies but in our daily for e.g  we brush our teeth daily, it is Preventive daily so that we should not have any Dental Problems

Similarly if someone had a bad teeth problem etc regularly occurring, immediately goes to Doctor or for checkup to get it corrected or remove pain.This is example of Corrective Maintenance.

In other words maintenance is major part of our life whether single or individual level or it is upto the company level and that is why we need to manage it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

SAP Automated Testing Using ECATT

Automated Testing is now a days trend in IT and so in SAP.

Earlier people used to take hours to create a Test Script for any Transaction code for SAP but now it has become very easy.

Automation testing is just like photography or more like video.Yes it is like running the transaction in the same environment you want and automatically and manual intervention is least required.

So it saves time and cost and also more efficient and eliminates lot of mistakes.

In addition it can be programmed to take care of any error messages happening.

SAP Testing or testing various transaction etc people can now use ECATT or Enhanced Computer Aided Test Tool,QTP or Quick Test Professional etc.

ECATT is being delivered by SAP itself which is a wonderful tool and morever has more advantages over its predecessor like CATT or computer aided test tool.

Basically it comprises of four parts to be produced which are namely

1. System Data Container

This comprises of the details for the system on which script needs to be executed.
For e.g I am running remotely a script on managed system A so I give it reference here which will be linked automatically when system runs the script.

2.Test Data Container

It comprises of all our test data,normally we store the script recording once with one set of data and later we create parameter and execute the script with different set of data by using this Test data container.

3.Test Script

This is the actual Test Script.for e.g if we want to record a MM03 transaction code we can do the recording here for it.

We can create or maintain any test script or can have mulitple one in the one script only.e.g first we create a material using MM01 and then use MM03 to check if the material exist.
So we can combine both using MM01 and MM03

4. Test Configuration

This is basically all the above parts,so here we can use a Test Script with its version and set of parameter defined with Test Data and System Data Container details.

So if we provide the name of test configuration then script is known with test input data and also which system it has to be executed.

Hope the above gives a good starting point to begin with ECATT.

Six Sigma introduction

The Six Sigma is a key component to earn Customer Satisfaction and making quality a culture in the company's culture.

It is a methodology which is used to manage all the process variations which are causing defects and and help to remove the same completely or to a minimum.

The very objective of Six Sigma is to deliver performance,reliability and value to the end customer.

Some of the Key concepts of six sigma are
  1. Customer voice or needs of customer
  2. Quality Needs of customer i.e more important or customer stated needs
  3. Defects -Elimination of all the defects
  4. Variation
  5. variance

With the help of above key concepts we look to reduce defects below3.4 Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) further towards customer satisfaction.

We will explore more later.

Quality a Giant Step Towards Customer Satisfaction

Now a days Quality is something which is becoming very important in our life.

We now believe in quality work or quality output every company of whatever sector e.g utilities or communication or IT Sector or any other company believe in quality.Why?

Simply because it is one step towards Customer Satisfaction.

For.e.g we go to have a coffee in coffee shop but we don’t get a good coffee or prompt service we feel bad and don’t want to go there anymore.Simply because we are not satisfied.

Quality is more like customer satisfaction and trying to meet Customer’s

1 Stated 2 Unstated or unspecified Needs as well as 3 expectations.

For .eg consider above example if we don’t get good coffee it’s like we not getting stated need satisfied or the primary need

But if we don’t get prompt service then it is unspecified need which is missing.

Now what is then expectations:

Expectations is something if we are preferred or daily customer of that shop then they should offer us a discount this is known as customer expectations.

Therefore in todays world no company can be happily run if their customers are not happy and therefore they have to move towards their satisfaction and the only way of achieving the same is through QUALITY Product or Service.

Moreover the Six Sigma is gaining huge popular ship among all the companies globally simply because it puts pressure for making Quality a culture in the company environment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quality Habits : Reading/Blogging

Hi All,

Many you of might be thinking what can be a quality reading because different people have different opinion

Yes it is true that it can’t be said to have this is Quality Reading but there should be some criteria which can be set for it like

The people should maintain a quality of Reading which increases speed as well as vocabulary general knowledge etc

Now a day’s Time is changing and Technology is changing with double speed. It is required for each and every one residing on the planet to read and learn things as we grow but now that should be maintained as a habit of reading.

Not only this have to make notes so better to blog. If required start blogging using etc.

Always manage time to do some exercise daily,internet surfing newspaper reading or novel reading etc.

Always read articles which you feel are interesting and try to compose it on blog so that you can utilize it latter and enhance your reading and writing skill.

I feel like REWARDING the time I post it on the blogger why simply because whatever I have read or learnt if we can make note of it will become permanent and will be useful to others also.

Its always knowledge which can be increased by sharing

Monday, January 18, 2010

SAP BI: An Overview

BI as the name suggests Business combined with intelligence.

Now a days we are able to include systems much like our collegues doing our work with more accuracy and reliability.It is a system which actually carries business information in an arranged manner so that Higher management people can react and act on it or take a good decision for their bussiness.

SAP made this technology for analyzing data warehousing and for reporting requirements of any organization

SAP launched BI as a technology many years back and it was known as BW or SAP Business Warehouse which actually means the data warehouse covering all the useful data.

Today it is replace by another more meaninful term called as SAP BI or SAP Business Intelligence.

The most common daily used a major transaction in SAP BI is RSA1 which is for Administrator workbench and in the previous versions(SAP BW) too we have RSA1 but now in SAP BI it is replaced by RSA1OLD transaction code.

We can do intgration with multliple satellite systems (other systems connected to SAP BI systems acting as a datasource e.g ECC) and can pull the data for

  1. · Transforming it more better refined queries as per need. 
  2. · Consolidate it for reporting
  3. · Clean the unnecessary or unwanted data that may not be required for our reporting

In addition we can do planning and simulation other than Analyzing.With the help of business planning and simulation technique we can check if plan for manufacturing or production required or other requirement.

BI also uses Online Analytical Processing(OLAP) which is basically used for informational reports carrying bulk of operational and historical data.Remember it is all the transactional data reporting. The OLAP processor is also capable of allowing multi-dimensional analyses according to various business requirements.

Hope this is much for an overview will explore more latter.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How To /Learn - Creating Customer Specific SAP Role in PFCG Transaction in SAP(Systems Applications Products for Data Processing)

How to copy and create a SAP Customized Role using PFCG transaction code

We know the basics that if you have to use SAP which is a wonderful product by SAP SE company and now being utilized with quite companies all over the world. The authorization in this product are typically govern by SAP transaction PFCG roles concept.
We call it SAP Security Team or SAP Security/Gatekeepers who make sure no one can access something for which they are not authorized to do so.

Sometimes we say let goto BASIS people and ask them for missing authorization but in reality it is the concept of security and actually done by SAP Security Team in any organization or support team to be precise based upon my experience.

It is always recommended not to modify the original role delivered by SAP but to copy it to customer namespace i.e to create a role with "z" or "y" namespace.

Many times the customer requirement varies so much that to provide more security etc the Standard role needs to be modified.

For this just visit the transaction


  1. Now enter the name of SAP standard role and click button to copy the role or choose from sap menu.  
  2. Now provide the target name starting with “Z” or “Y” and now press enter key
  3. The role is copied to your zname and enter the new role name and click change button.
  4. In the upcoming screen click on the Tab Authorization and goto maintain authorization data
  5. Now update the object as per requirement followed by Save and generate

Finally assign this role to the respective users solving the purpose and also this is valid for 
SAP ERP Ehp1, EHP2 etc
SAP Solution Manager

Thursday, January 14, 2010

SAP ABAP A brief overview with transaction codes

ABAP or Advance Business Application Programming is the fourth generation language and use for coding in ABAP.

When I joined and started working in SAP Technology the first technology I have interacted is ABAP which is much like other 4 generation languages .

In ABAP we have transaction codes to do coding and various types of coding can be done based upon business requirements.

The first used and most basic transactions are:-

se37 - Function Builder

se38 - ABAP Editor (to modify ABAP programs)

se11 - ABAP Dictionary

Se11 is more like daily transaction as we have access to domain element search help database tables etc.

Earlier we have used for printing

se71 - SAPScript Forms

but now a days we have been shifted to Smartforms a much better and faster technology for printing.

Its tcode is


Whenver we do a change in SAP standard code or any change in the system by creating a new object itself it needs to be captured in the form of Transport request and for this following tcode is used.

se09 - Transport (Workbench) Organizer (Controlling and keeping track of Development work and Development Objects)

For creating customer transaction codes etc following one is used.

se93 - Maintain T codes

For message which we pop up or give information error etc to users we can use the following one

se91 - Message Maintenance

Some other common one’s are:-

se16 - Data Browser (Table contents display)

se41 - Menu Painter

se51 - Screen Painter

se80 - Object Navigator

sm59 - Maintain RFC Destinations (Define RFC Configuration)

The most important transaction which is used during Upgrades etc are below

ST22 - ABAP Dump Analysis, check logical runtime errors

SPAU- Display Modified DE Objects

SPDD - Display Modified DDIC Objects

This is more than sufficient I think and we will explore more later on.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is e-commerce ?

Hi All

I would like to share few things I have explored and found interesting for many Information hungry people about E-commerce.

This article describes certain basic features of e-commerce which is today booming over internet.E-commerce is nothing but Electronic commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing) or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of Goods or Services over electronic means like Internet.

Yes correctly understood internet enhanced business strategies and now people can book train flight hotel etc over internet this all comes under e-commerce.

There are several types of e-commerce majorly following

B2B or Business to Business

This type of e-commerce mainly involves transactions between companies and their vendors, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or between a wholesaler and a retailer

For e.g In the Supply Change Management flow the companies choose to interact or outsource their logistics part

B2C or Business To Consumer

This type of e-commerce mainly involves transactions between companies and consumers or end user of the chain.

For e.g Railway reservation,flight booking

C2C or Consumer to Consumer

This type of e-commerce mainly involves transactions between consumers through internet site.

For e.g many times we post aid for selling our household item/mobile without involving any dealer or agent and interacting with buyer directly

C2B or Consumer to Business

This type of e-commerce mainly involves transactions between consumers and companies.
For e.g I offer certain goods and services and any company show their interest buy or pay me for the same.

I know these are the basics but to begin with need to understand these basics.

There are newer version also coming into use like m-commerce or Mobile commerce etc.

I hope atleast know you guys have a basic idea after looking through the examples the power of e-commerce in todays environment.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Investment Strategy for Mutual Funds

Investment is must for everyone as we can see what happens during recession.I formulated an Investment strategy for me related to Mutual funds sharing with you all which might be helpful for you guys too.

As we know there are 2 types of Mutual funds

1. Dividend
2. Growth

In dividend option the Mutual fund company pays divident amount to the holder or us.
Where as
In Growth option the mutual fund company instead of paying money allocate more mutual fund units to us.

What I have found is it is better to have Dividend option because we get money in hand so we can reapply that to somewhere else or re-investment or utilize it.One more reason is the TIME VALUE OF MONEY or in simple terms the value of money changes every year to inflation etc.

Whereas if we go for growth option the units will get accumulated and will be able to get the entire money back only when its maturity period is over.

Investing is not a game so we need to be careful so please before investing in any mutual fund please go through the company policies manual whatever documents you will to have enough confidence.

Because what I have seen is sometimes you know the mutual fund is giving you very good returns but later on during recession due to certain other reasons it is not doing well.

So you can resell the same and invest into some other area in short KEEP MONITORING IT.we should not forgot the money after investing into something.

This becomes more important when we buy TAX relief mutual fund which comes with 3 years or so locking period.So if we don’t do a proper analysis and just invested into some mutual fund then have to be sure about it for next 3 years.

Difficult to predict but we need to be careful about it as it is our money which we investing.

Hope you guys appreciate it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

SAP Code Inspector

Usability of SAP Code Inspector

Imagine a situation you have written a big code or BADI or Smartform or SE38 program and need to check the entire code,it is almost impossible to check in all respects of syntax,performance etc.

To solve the above problem SAP provide a wonderful tool known as SAP Code Inspector.It is used for STATIC ABAP Code checking and majorly for DDIC objects

In addition if required we can have a set of check combined into Check Variant.

The Transaction code for this is SCI.Either we can check it from this tcode or we can check the object directly from the SAP Menu of the concerned object.

For. E.g if we want to check a zreport then goto se38 transaction code open the report then from the SAP Menu.Choose Program->Check->Code Inspector The sytem will start checking the report.

The results are aligned across 3 major output columns mainly

1. how many errors are there

2. how many warnings are there

3. how many information messages are there

The various major Checks performed are

  1. Performance checks
  2. Security checks
  3. Syntax Check/Generation
  4. User Interface

Now what about documenting the same.For this we can use the feature called as INSPECTION

It can be Named or Anonymous type

Basically we can have a Named one and it is used for permament storage or documenting purpose which is stored and can be viewed later where as Anonymous is used when we just checking or don’t want to store the result or temporary purpose.

I hope know you guys have a basic idea of the same.


Trip To Alibag Beach

Alibag beach is a beautiful seashore to visit and cool place to hang out with friends.

In the upcoming weekend or 31st december ,one can plan to go there

I have celebrated my christmas there with my friends and enjoyed a lot.It can be easily reached via pune or mumbai in maharastra.

One can find out the map using google maps as we did and we took the following path as suggested by google.

our point Starting Hinjewadi,pune Maharashtra

1.Head east.......................0.5 km
2.Take the 2nd left...............0.7 km
3.Take the 1st right, towards Mumbai Pune Bypass Rd............1.8 km
4Turn left towards Mumbai Pune Bypass Rd.......................0.2 km
5.Take the 1st left on to Mumbai Pune Bypass Rd..............6.5 km
6.Take the ramp to Mumbai Pune Express Way............0.5 km
7.Continue straight onto Mumbai Pune Express Way.............54.1 km
8.Take the exit........................0.6 km
9.Continue straight..................4.1 km
10.Turn left at NH 17..............31.0 km
11.Turn left to stay on NH 17................16.2 km
12.Continue onto NH 4B............................12.0 km
13.Turn left...........................................................0.2 km
14.Turn right............................................0.2 km
15.Turn left...................................0.5 km

Destination point ------Alibag Beach

When we reached there using the Mumbai Pune express way it took almost 3.5 hours for us and we enjoyed the drive.After reaching there first thing we did was to have batata wada,sev pouri and baraf ka gola.

Once we had our stomach filled up we started walking towards the sea shore…and even enjoyed playing the volleyball there.

We played at shore with waves and also took a ride on the horse.We visited the nearby Alibag KOLABA fort a nice fort to hang around with.

We also visited the temples which are inside the fort and we had a great divine feeling and even we took some rest there.

On our return again we had some snacks and at last we visited few good hotels and choosen one to had our lunch including Sea fish… an awesome tasty lunch it was.

Finally we came back but still we go there again and will recommend others too as we felt it is a very good place to visit during a vacation.