Monday, July 4, 2011

How to Access Yahoo Mail on Microsoft Outlook

There are various possibilities to access yahoo mail on clients like microsoft outlook and it is really nice to have our PC.

The biggest advantage is not to enter user name password everytime and get it accessed over IE or firefox etc.

Moreover we all know that there are plenty of excellent features to use microsoft outlook software

We see here the steps we can use to access or configure the yahoo on outlook.

Remember you need to have this software or microsoft outlook already installed on your PC or Windows OS first

Now open the outlook via the shortcut or using the START button on your windows Operating System.

Now as you can see in the above screen the values required are your name id and password just enter them as your ease

Now after you provided the values just click the NEXT button and this will try to connect to yahoo server with your email ID and password

Note Please make sure you are connected to Internet this time.

After sometime this get connected and you get the message like this
As you can see above the Yahoo mail for your ID is configured to be used on your PC using the Microsoft .

Thus above the short and easy steps to configure the yahoo mail over outlook.

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