Monday, August 9, 2010

E - Commerce Website - A Web Presence

In today world it is not possible to believe a business running without IT or Information Technology help.

We can run any business may be Banking ,Retail , Utilities, Telecom but we definitely need today Computer presence and moreover a new face to business will be created known as website.

Yes you got it right.The days are gone that a person can run a Business without using Computer of course it doesn't means its mandatory to have Computer presence but yes it makes a huge difference.

E.g consider you want to buy some clothes and visited a shop and he gave you a card saying that it has their website mention and you can visit and choose the clothes you like, before coming to their store.
It is great experience!


You would like to transfer some amount to your friend account so you have to goto bank physically and get in the queue,fill the form and then ask the bank officer to do it after waiting hours in queue and investing hours of time etc.
But  Thanks to Internet or Dot com revolution
we have not Bank website and online transfer which we can use to transfer 
either in the same city or country to our friend etc

Yes now time is money and running out and we have mall and big store everywhere but we always have less time and would like to explore more and thus business needs a Web Presence to meet customer needs.

There are various models if we talk about E - Commerce like 

  1. Brick and Mortar
  2. Click and Portal
  3. Click and Brick

We will explore more later but I think now you guys the idea why Web Presence is needed in today's world.

1 comment:

  1. I was not able to signup in blogger just because i don't have an email id but ,
    This Post was really helped me.Now I can sign up by using yahoo mail..
    Thank you for sharing that kind of helpful information..
    And if you need any technical or non technical help you can
    caLL our technical help number (870)-390-4894
